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Treatment Areas

Back to School - Learning Concerns - Excel Neuro-Optometric Clinic

Reading & Learning

Reading and Learning difficulties may be associated with vision disorders. They can include double vision or poor tracking, focusing, eye teaming, or reading comprehension. It is important to rule out a vision disorder to determine if it is affecting reading and learning. These difficulties may often be found in children with dyslexia or ADD/ADHD, and even in patients misdiagnosed with disorders such as ADHD.

Stressed Man - Binocular Dysfunction - Excel Neuro-Optometric Clinic

Binocular Dysfunction

Binocular vision dysfunction is an ocular condition that occurs when the eyes don’t align properly. Although our brains try to correct this misalignment, it isn’t without considerable effort and this results in a range of symptoms.

Storytime with Grandpa


A stroke can affect various parts of the brain, it can cause a wide range of symptoms, including changes in balance and vision.

Happy Tourist

Traumatic Brain Injury

Head Injuries disrupt the normal functioning of the brain. This can cause vision problems, such as blurred or double vision, and difficulty with eye movements, focus, and tracking.

Sad on Couch - Adult Vision Theraphy - Excel Neuro-Optometric Clinic

Adult Vision Therapy

Many people think that vision therapy is only for children. However, adults have as much need for specialized vision care as children. When people have trouble using both eyes together or can't focus for great lengths of time, they do not simply grow out of these problems. Children with visual problems often become adults with visual problems.

Kids Playing Treasure Hunt


Vision problems can be masked by the behaviors that autistic individuals use to cope with the sensory overload of the world around them. 


Strabismus & Amblyopia

Strabismus, or crossed eyes, is the inability to point both eyes in the same direction at the same time. Strabismus may cause double vision. To avoid seeing double, vision in one eye may be ignored resulting in a lazy eye (amblyopia). Strabismus and or Amblyopia often develops in infants and young children, although it can occur in adults too.

Girl Holding Baseball

Tracking Difficulties (Sports)

Children with tracking problems may show the following behaviors or signs: frequent loss of place during reading, skipping lines, omitting and substituting words during reading, head movement or finger pointing during reading, slow reading speed, poor copying. Reduced tracking ability can also cause poor eye hand coordination which can impact the childs ability to excel in sports.

48189 Van Dyke Ave, Shelby Township, MI 48317

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Phone: (586) 731-9725

Fax: (586) 488-0006

Dr Aaron Nichols, OD, FAAO, FCOVD | Dr. Damien Gietzen, OD, FPIVR 

Traumatic and Acquired Brain Injury ∙ Learning Disabilities ∙ Autism ∙ Infant and Visual Development ∙ Neuro-Degenerative Diseases ∙ Visually Evoked Potential ∙ Visual Information Processing Testing ∙ Kinetic Color Visual Field ∙ Optometric Phototherapy 

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